Fall on me, black helicopter....

SO.... Things are all criznazy.


On a positive note to start.
Last Saturday I spent 2 and a half hours in a room with MG. He's a smart man. It was good listening to what he had to say. Some of it I agreed with, some of it I did not. But at least now I have some idea as to what the fuck this single tranferrable vote stuff is all about.
Adrian was fucking amazing. She's incredible. She finds awesome ways to put things into terms that I feel will reach out to kids that need to be reached.
It blows my mind, being from here.. Never really having seen any ghetto stuff.. that people actually are being fucked over entirely by the American governemnt.
I know none of us wanted to spend our two hours talking about that, but the sad truth is that more of us know things about the American politics than we do about our own. And that scares me.
I'm thinking Green Party
I vowed to myslef that I would never vote Liberal. They hurt too much of our social programming (Provincial, this is). Gordon Campbell hates us, that is a fact.

And on to life.
I'm looking for apartments
Honestly I should be looking right now.. But I am instead wrapped in a blanket at the chair staring at the screen
I'm an addict.

Talked last night to M. I feel a little bit better knowing sort of where he stands.
Woke up this morning with major tonsil pain. Again. Fucking sickness.
I'll kill Nikki. But I can't afford to be off work.

But I still want to know something. I'm nosy.

Can I take your order?
So much to say so little time
Sounds like someones got a case of the Mondays.

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what would you do if i sang out of tune?

  • From Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
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